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How would you rate the communication skill of the external team/Speaker
Was the topic helpful in obtaining its objective
Was the Session able to impart relevant data and information on its topic
On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall presentation
How satisfied are you with the workshop/seminar?
How would you rate the quality of the content presented?
How would you rate the expertise and knowledge of the speaker(s)?
How would you rate the level of interaction and engagement during the workshop/seminar?
How satisfied are you with the organization and logistics of the workshop/seminar?
Thank you for choosing Arya Comtek (P) Ltd., Ranchi (ACTL) for your consulting needs. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to continuously improve our services. Kindly take a few minutes to provide your feedback by answering the following questions:
How satisfied are you with the consulting services provided by ACTL
How would you rate the expertise and knowledge of the consultant(s)/Experts assigned to your project
How would you rate the communication between you and our experts
Were our experts responsive to your inquiries and concerns
How satisfied are you with the quality and timeless of the deliverables provided